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- "Graph-based Deep Learning for PV Degradation Analysis," the
9th Data Science in Life Science and Engineering Collaboration
and Symposium, CWRU-Tohoku University, Tohoku University, Aug.
- "Spatiotemporal Graph Neural Networks for PV Data
Analytics," the 8th Data Science in Life Science and
Engineering Collaboration and Symposium, CWRU-Tohoku
University, CWRU, Aug. 2022
- "Knowledge-based Event Analysis in Cyber-Physical Data
Streams," Data Science in Life Science and Engineering
Collaboration and Symposium, CWRU-Tohoku University, Mar. 2021
- "Knowledge Graphs, Exploratory Data Systems and
Applications," FirstEnergy, Apr. 2021
- "Knowledge Graphs, Exploratory Data Systems and
Applications," CWRU/NASA AI/DS/ML Workshop, Apr. 2021
- "Why-provenance for Expratory Graph Analysis", Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, Mar. 2020
- "Knowledge and Data Quality", All-group meeting, NSF
C-Accelerator All-group Meeting, UT Arlington, Dec 2019
- "Integrating Physics with Data Analytics for Cyber-Physical
Event and Root Cause Analysis", Workshop on Cyberphysical
Security Analytics for the Power Grid, Princeton, NJ, Oct 2019
- "Towards On-the-Fly Knowledge Bases for Electric Grid
NSF Workshop on Real Time Data Analytics for the Power Grid
Resiliency, Portland, OR, Aug. 2018
- "From Think Parallel to Think Sequential". Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory, Richland, WA, Mar. 2018
- "Ensemble-based Bad Data Detection in PMU Data Streams."
Workshop on Data Analytics for the Smart Grid, Pullman, WA,
Aug. 2017
- "Answering Pattern Queries Using Views".SIGMOD workshop on
Network Data Analytics, May. 2017
- "Big Graph Analytics: A Journey of Scalability and
Usability". Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, April 2
- "Big Graph Search and Analytics". Northeast Univ., Jilin
Univ. Beihang University. China, Oct 25th, 2014
- "Big Graph Analytics: Systems and Usability". Audaque,
Shenzhen, China, June 15th, 2014
- "Optimizing Service Reachability Against Network Attacks".
Science for Cybersecurity (S4C) workshop, University of
Maryland, June 14, 2013
- "Ontology-based subgraph querying".
The 29th ICDE conference, GDM workshop Brisbane, Australia,
- "Ontology-based subgraph querying".
ARL Network Science CTA Technical Meeting, University of
Delaware, 2013
- “Towards advanced search in complex graphs”.
The 29th ICDE conference, GDM workshop, Brisbane, Australia,
April 8, 2013
- “Emerging Graph Queries in Linked Data”. IEEE ICDE Tutorial,
Washington DC, USA, April 1-5, 2012