yinghui wu Yinghui Wu

Theodore L. and Dana J. Schroeder
Associate Professor
Department of Computer
& Data Sciences

Case School of Engineering
Case Western Reserve University

Olin 515
2101 Martin Luther King Jr Dr,
Cleveland, OH 44106

Office: 216.368.8829
Email:  yxw1650_at_case_dot_edu
Homepage: https://yinghwu.github.io/

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Office Hours Fall 2024: Tu/Thu 1 - 2 pm, Olin 515 (zoom:  see CWRU Google Calendar)

To Academic advisees: you may propose a 10-15 minutes slot on Google Calendar:
log in with your CWRU id; put my name under "Meet with" and you can see my available slots)

CSDS 433: Database Systems (Fall 24) [Canvas]
Fall 24:  Tu/Thu 8:30 am - 9:45 am, TBD

Basic issues and advanced research topics in data management systems: Physical data organization. Relational databases; NoSQL/NewSQL systems. Semistructured Data. Data Constraints.  Query Languages. Query Processing and Optimization. Approximate Query Processing. Distributed and Parallel Query Processing. Data Quality and Data Cleaning. Recommended preparation: MATH 304. CSDS 341.

For students: please access Canvas for course resources and materials.
Past Courses